Every conversation, every message, every document.

Secure, private, and forever.

As advances in AI threaten all traditional approaches to security and privacy, DropVault is the most effortless way to protect every conversation and document from the most determined intruder.

Image link
Only you can see inside any message or document
You decide who sees what, how, and when
Everything secure and private, forever, with a complete audit trail
Whether it’s employees or customers, unbreakable security that’s as easy as email
App level Encryption
App level Encryption

There are no second chances when it comes to security - Protecting your most sensitive data requires the best in encryption and security with zero compromises. That's why Dropvault doesn't rely on weak encryption at rest and instead encrypts at the app level. This brings the best in security & privacy for your most sensitive data.

App level Encryption

There are no second chances when it comes to security - Protecting your most sensitive data requires the best in encryption and security with zero compromises. That's why Dropvault doesn't rely on weak encryption at rest and instead encrypts at the app level. This brings the best in security & privacy for your most sensitive data.

App level Encryption
Premium Features

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We design and develop world-class websites and applications.

Discover some of the powerful and stunning features of Essentials.

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Discover some of the powerful and stunning features of Essentials.

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``Dropvault brings such great security to a small business that we could never have built ourselves``

CPA, California

``We have trusted Dropvault and they have never failed us.

Treasury Group, major airline

``It's one of the most secure platforms available anywhere but also one of the most flexible and simple to use.``

Treasury Group, major airline

“The portals are so simple to use. And working in secure portals takes away the stress that comes with email.”

John Reed, Alchamey